--aggregator-event-span-global-tags stringToString tags applied to all event spans (default []) --aggregator-pseudo-span-global-tags stringToString tags applied to all object/spec/status/deletion pseudo-spans (default []) --aggregator-reserve-ttl duration if an object span has not been created after this duration, another goroutine/process will try to create it (default 10s) --aggregator-span-extra-ttl duration duration for which an object span is retained in cache after its duration has elapsed --aggregator-span-ttl duration duration of each span (default 30m0s) --annotation-linker-enable enable annotation linker --audit-consumer-enable enable audit consumer --audit-consumer-filter-cluster-name string if nonempty, only audit events with this cluster name are processed --audit-consumer-group string audit consumer group name (default "kelemetry") --audit-consumer-group-failures whether failed requests should be grouped together --audit-consumer-ignore-impersonate-username if set to true, direct username is always used even with impersonation --audit-consumer-partition int32Slice audit message queue partitions to consume (default [0,1,2,3,4]) --audit-dump-file string append received audit events to the specified path (leave empty to disable) --audit-forward-timeout duration forward proxy client timeout (default 30s) --audit-forward-url stringToString forward audit messages to these URLs (default []) --audit-producer-enable enable audit producer --audit-producer-partition-key-type partitionKeyType how to partition audit messages in the message queue. Possible values are ["cluster" "object" "audit-id"]. (default audit-id) --audit-producer-worker-count int audit producer worker count (default 1) --audit-webhook-enable enable audit webhook --audit-webhook-subscriber-queue-capacity int maximum number of events buffered in the webhook, set to 0 for an unbounded buffer (may cause OOM) --cluster-name-resolver string implementation of cluster-name-resolver. Possible values are ["address"]. (default "address") --diff-api-enable enable diff API --diff-cache string implementation of diff-cache. Possible values are ["etcd" "local"]. (default "local") --diff-cache-etcd-dial-timeout duration dial timeout for diff cache etcd connection (default 10s) --diff-cache-etcd-endpoints strings etcd endpoints --diff-cache-etcd-prefix string etcd prefix (default "/diff/") --diff-cache-patch-ttl duration duration for which patch cache remains (0 to disable TTL) (default 10m0s) --diff-cache-snapshot-ttl duration duration for which snapshot cache remains (0 to disable TTL) (default 10m0s) --diff-cache-wrapper-enable enable an intermediate layer of cache in memory --diff-controller-deletion-snapshot take a snapshot of objects during deletion (default true) --diff-controller-enable enable controller for watching and computing object update diff --diff-controller-leader-election-enable enable leader election for diff controller (default true) --diff-controller-leader-election-lease-duration duration duration for which diff controller non-leader candidates wait before force acquiring leadership (default 15s) --diff-controller-leader-election-name string lease object name prefix for diff controller leader election, to be prepended with a leader number (default "kelemetry-diff-controller-leader-election") --diff-controller-leader-election-namespace string namespace for diff controller leader election (default "default") --diff-controller-leader-election-num-leaders int number of leaders elected for diff controller (default 2) --diff-controller-leader-election-renew-deadline duration duration for which diff controller leaders renew their own leadership (default 10s) --diff-controller-leader-election-retry-period duration duration for which diff controller leader electors wait between tries of actions (default 2s) --diff-controller-redact-pattern string only informer time and resource version are traced for objects matching this regexp pattern in the form g/v/r/ns/name (default "$this matches nothing^") --diff-controller-store-timeout duration timeout for storing cache (default 10s) --diff-controller-worker-count int number of workers for all object types to compute diff (default 8) --diff-decorator-enable enable object diff audit decorator --diff-decorator-fetch-backoff duration backoff time between multiple attempts to fetch diff (default 1s) --diff-decorator-fetch-event-timeout duration backoff is halted if this duration has elapsed since ResponseComplete stageTimestamp (default 15s) --diff-decorator-fetch-total-timeout duration maximum total time in worker to wait for fetching a single resource (default 10s) --diff-writer-leader-election-enable enable leader election for diff controller cache writer (default true) --diff-writer-leader-election-lease-duration duration duration for which diff controller cache writer non-leader candidates wait before force acquiring leadership (default 15s) --diff-writer-leader-election-name string lease object name prefix for diff controller cache writer leader election, to be prepended with a leader number (default "kelemetry-diff-writer-leader-election") --diff-writer-leader-election-namespace string namespace for diff controller cache writer leader election (default "default") --diff-writer-leader-election-num-leaders int number of leaders elected for diff controller cache writer (default 1) --diff-writer-leader-election-renew-deadline duration duration for which diff controller cache writer leaders renew their own leadership (default 10s) --diff-writer-leader-election-retry-period duration duration for which diff controller cache writer leader electors wait between tries of actions (default 2s) --discovery-resync-interval duration frequency of refreshing discovery API (default 1h0m0s) --dot string write dependencies as graphviz output --event-informer-configmap-name string name of the ConfigMap that stores the last logged event (default "kelemetry-event-controller") --event-informer-configmap-namespace string namespace of the ConfigMap that stores the last logged event (default "default") --event-informer-configmap-sync-interval duration interval to update the ConfigMap that stores the last logged event (default 5s) --event-informer-enable enable event informer --event-informer-leader-election-enable enable leader election for event controller (default true) --event-informer-leader-election-lease-duration duration duration for which event controller non-leader candidates wait before force acquiring leadership (default 15s) --event-informer-leader-election-name string lease object name prefix for event controller leader election, to be prepended with a leader number (default "kelemetry-event-informer-leader-election") --event-informer-leader-election-namespace string namespace for event controller leader election (default "default") --event-informer-leader-election-num-leaders int number of leaders elected for event controller (default 1) --event-informer-leader-election-renew-deadline duration duration for which event controller leaders renew their own leadership (default 10s) --event-informer-leader-election-retry-period duration duration for which event controller leader electors wait between tries of actions (default 2s) --event-informer-worker-count int number of worker counts (default 8) --filter-exclude-types strings objects with these GRs are not traced (default [events,events.k8s.io/events,coordination.k8s.io/leases]) --filter-exclude-user-agent strings requests from user agents with any of these substrings are not traced (default [/leader-election,local-path-provisioner/]) --frontend-follow-link-concurrency int number of concurrent trace per request to follow links (default 20) --frontend-follow-link-limit int32 maximum number of linked objects to follow per search result (default 10) --frontend-follow-links-in-list whether links should be recursed into when listing traces (default true) --http-address string HTTP server bind address --http-port uint16 HTTP server port (default 8080) --http-read-header-timeout duration HTTP server timeout for reading request headers --http-read-timeout duration HTTP server timeout for reading requests --http-tls-cert string HTTP server TLS certificate (leave empty to disable HTTPS) --http-tls-key string HTTP server TLS key (leave empty to disable HTTPS) --jaeger-backend string implementation of jaeger-backend. Possible values are ["jaeger-storage"]. (default "jaeger-storage") --jaeger-cluster-list string implementation of jaeger-cluster-list. Possible values are ["options"]. (default "options") --jaeger-cluster-names strings cluster names allowed --jaeger-extension-cache cache extension trace search result, otherwise trace is searched again every time result is reloaded --jaeger-redirect-server-enable enable redirect server for frontend --jaeger-storage-plugin-address string storage plugin grpc server bind address (default ":17271") --jaeger-storage-plugin-enable enable jaeger storage plugin --jaeger-storage.badger.consistency If all writes should be synced immediately to physical disk. This will impact write performance. --jaeger-storage.badger.directory-key string Path to store the keys (indexes), this directory should reside in SSD disk. Set ephemeral to false if you want to define this setting. (default "$(dirname $EXEC)/data/keys") --jaeger-storage.badger.directory-value string Path to store the values (spans). Set ephemeral to false if you want to define this setting. (default "$(dirname $EXEC)/data/values") --jaeger-storage.badger.ephemeral Mark this storage ephemeral, data is stored in tmpfs. (default true) --jaeger-storage.badger.maintenance-interval duration How often the maintenance thread for values is ran. Format is time.Duration (https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration) (default 5m0s) --jaeger-storage.badger.metrics-update-interval duration How often the badger metrics are collected by Jaeger. Format is time.Duration (https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration) (default 10s) --jaeger-storage.badger.read-only Allows to open badger database in read only mode. Multiple instances can open same database in read-only mode. Values still in the write-ahead-log must be replayed before opening. --jaeger-storage.badger.span-store-ttl duration How long to store the data. Format is time.Duration (https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration) (default 72h0m0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.basic.allowed-authenticators string The comma-separated list of allowed password authenticators for Cassandra.If none are specified, there is a default 'approved' list that is used (https://github.com/gocql/gocql/blob/34fdeebefcbf183ed7f916f931aa0586fdaa1b40/conn.go#L27). If a non-empty list is provided, only specified authenticators are allowed. --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.connect-timeout duration Timeout used for connections to Cassandra Servers (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.connections-per-host int The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.consistency string The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.disable-compression Disables the use of the default Snappy Compression while connecting to the Cassandra Cluster if set to true. This is useful for connecting to Cassandra Clusters(like Azure Cosmos Db with Cassandra API) that do not support SnappyCompression --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.enabled Enable extra storage --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.keyspace string The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.local-dc string The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.max-retry-attempts int The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.password string Password for password authentication for Cassandra --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.port int The port for cassandra --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.proto-version int The Cassandra protocol version --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.reconnect-interval duration Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.servers string The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.socket-keep-alive duration Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0 (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.cassandra-archive.username string Username for password authentication for Cassandra --jaeger-storage.cassandra.basic.allowed-authenticators string The comma-separated list of allowed password authenticators for Cassandra.If none are specified, there is a default 'approved' list that is used (https://github.com/gocql/gocql/blob/34fdeebefcbf183ed7f916f931aa0586fdaa1b40/conn.go#L27). If a non-empty list is provided, only specified authenticators are allowed. --jaeger-storage.cassandra.connect-timeout duration Timeout used for connections to Cassandra Servers (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.connections-per-host int The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance (default 2) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.consistency string The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.disable-compression Disables the use of the default Snappy Compression while connecting to the Cassandra Cluster if set to true. This is useful for connecting to Cassandra Clusters(like Azure Cosmos Db with Cassandra API) that do not support SnappyCompression --jaeger-storage.cassandra.index.logs Controls log field indexing. Set to false to disable. (default true) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.index.process-tags Controls process tag indexing. Set to false to disable. (default true) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.index.tag-blacklist string The comma-separated list of span tags to blacklist from being indexed. All other tags will be indexed. Mutually exclusive with the whitelist option. --jaeger-storage.cassandra.index.tag-whitelist string The comma-separated list of span tags to whitelist for being indexed. All other tags will not be indexed. Mutually exclusive with the blacklist option. --jaeger-storage.cassandra.index.tags Controls tag indexing. Set to false to disable. (default true) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.keyspace string The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data (default "jaeger_dc1") --jaeger-storage.cassandra.local-dc string The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection --jaeger-storage.cassandra.max-retry-attempts int The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra (default 3) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.password string Password for password authentication for Cassandra --jaeger-storage.cassandra.port int The port for cassandra (default 9042) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.proto-version int The Cassandra protocol version (default 4) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.reconnect-interval duration Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts (default 1m0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.servers string The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers (default "") --jaeger-storage.cassandra.socket-keep-alive duration Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0 (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.span-store-write-cache-ttl duration The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name (default 12h0m0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.cassandra.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.cassandra.username string Username for password authentication for Cassandra --jaeger-storage.es-archive.adaptive-sampling.lookback duration How far back to look for the latest adaptive sampling probabilities (default 72h0m0s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.bulk.actions int The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 1000) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.bulk.flush-interval duration A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled. (default 200ms) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.bulk.size int The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 5000000) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.bulk.workers int The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch (default 1) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.create-index-templates Create index templates at application startup. Set to false when templates are installed manually. (default true) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.enabled Enable extra storage --jaeger-storage.es-archive.index-date-separator string Optional date separator of Jaeger indices. For example "." creates "jaeger-span-2020.11.20". (default "-") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.index-prefix string Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*". --jaeger-storage.es-archive.index-rollover-frequency-adaptive-sampling string Rotates jaeger-sampling indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-sampling-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.index-rollover-frequency-services string Rotates jaeger-service indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-service-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.index-rollover-frequency-spans string Rotates jaeger-span indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-span-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.log-level string The Elasticsearch client log-level. Valid levels: [debug, info, error] (default "error") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.max-doc-count int The maximum document count to return from an Elasticsearch query. This will also apply to aggregations. (default 10000) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.num-replicas int The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch (default 1) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.num-shards int The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch (default 5) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.password string The password required by Elasticsearch --jaeger-storage.es-archive.password-file string Path to a file containing password. This file is watched for changes. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.prioirity-dependencies-template int Priority of jaeger-dependecies index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.prioirity-service-template int Priority of jaeger-service index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.prioirity-span-template int Priority of jaeger-span index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.remote-read-clusters string Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch remote cluster names for cross-cluster querying.See Elasticsearch remote clusters and cross-cluster query api. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.send-get-body-as string HTTP verb for requests that contain a body [GET, POST]. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.server-urls string The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200 (default "") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.service-cache-ttl duration The TTL for the cache of known service names (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.sniffer The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required --jaeger-storage.es-archive.sniffer-tls-enabled Option to enable TLS when sniffing an Elasticsearch Cluster ; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disabled by default --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tags-as-fields.all (experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file and .tags-as-fields.include is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tags-as-fields.config-file string (experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line. Merged with .tags-as-fields.include --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tags-as-fields.dot-replacement string (experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields. (default "@") --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tags-as-fields.include string (experimental) Comma delimited list of tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Merged with the contents of .tags-as-fields.config-file --jaeger-storage.es-archive.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es-archive.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.es-archive.token-file string Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.use-aliases Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age will influence trace search window start times. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.use-ilm (experimental) Option to enable ILM for jaeger span & service indices. Use this option with es-archive.use-aliases. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. ILM policy must be manually created in ES before startup. Supported only for elasticsearch version 7+. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.username string The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified. --jaeger-storage.es-archive.version uint The major Elasticsearch version. If not specified, the value will be auto-detected from Elasticsearch. --jaeger-storage.es.adaptive-sampling.lookback duration How far back to look for the latest adaptive sampling probabilities (default 72h0m0s) --jaeger-storage.es.bulk.actions int The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 1000) --jaeger-storage.es.bulk.flush-interval duration A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled. (default 200ms) --jaeger-storage.es.bulk.size int The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 5000000) --jaeger-storage.es.bulk.workers int The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch (default 1) --jaeger-storage.es.create-index-templates Create index templates at application startup. Set to false when templates are installed manually. (default true) --jaeger-storage.es.index-date-separator string Optional date separator of Jaeger indices. For example "." creates "jaeger-span-2020.11.20". (default "-") --jaeger-storage.es.index-prefix string Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*". --jaeger-storage.es.index-rollover-frequency-adaptive-sampling string Rotates jaeger-sampling indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-sampling-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es.index-rollover-frequency-services string Rotates jaeger-service indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-service-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es.index-rollover-frequency-spans string Rotates jaeger-span indices over the given period. For example "day" creates "jaeger-span-yyyy-MM-dd" every day after UTC 12AM. Valid options: [hour, day]. This does not delete old indices. For details on complete index management solutions supported by Jaeger, refer to: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#elasticsearch-rollover (default "day") --jaeger-storage.es.log-level string The Elasticsearch client log-level. Valid levels: [debug, info, error] (default "error") --jaeger-storage.es.max-doc-count int The maximum document count to return from an Elasticsearch query. This will also apply to aggregations. (default 10000) --jaeger-storage.es.max-span-age duration The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch (default 72h0m0s) --jaeger-storage.es.num-replicas int The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch (default 1) --jaeger-storage.es.num-shards int The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch (default 5) --jaeger-storage.es.password string The password required by Elasticsearch --jaeger-storage.es.password-file string Path to a file containing password. This file is watched for changes. --jaeger-storage.es.prioirity-dependencies-template int Priority of jaeger-dependecies index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es.prioirity-service-template int Priority of jaeger-service index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es.prioirity-span-template int Priority of jaeger-span index template (ESv8 only) --jaeger-storage.es.remote-read-clusters string Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch remote cluster names for cross-cluster querying.See Elasticsearch remote clusters and cross-cluster query api. --jaeger-storage.es.send-get-body-as string HTTP verb for requests that contain a body [GET, POST]. --jaeger-storage.es.server-urls string The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200 (default "") --jaeger-storage.es.service-cache-ttl duration The TTL for the cache of known service names (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.es.sniffer The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required --jaeger-storage.es.sniffer-tls-enabled Option to enable TLS when sniffing an Elasticsearch Cluster ; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disabled by default --jaeger-storage.es.tags-as-fields.all (experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file and .tags-as-fields.include is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects. --jaeger-storage.es.tags-as-fields.config-file string (experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line. Merged with .tags-as-fields.include --jaeger-storage.es.tags-as-fields.dot-replacement string (experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields. (default "@") --jaeger-storage.es.tags-as-fields.include string (experimental) Comma delimited list of tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Merged with the contents of .tags-as-fields.config-file --jaeger-storage.es.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.es.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.es.token-file string Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified. --jaeger-storage.es.use-aliases Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age will influence trace search window start times. --jaeger-storage.es.use-ilm (experimental) Option to enable ILM for jaeger span & service indices. Use this option with es.use-aliases. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. ILM policy must be manually created in ES before startup. Supported only for elasticsearch version 7+. --jaeger-storage.es.username string The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified. --jaeger-storage.es.version uint The major Elasticsearch version. If not specified, the value will be auto-detected from Elasticsearch. --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.connection-timeout duration The remote storage gRPC server connection timeout (default 5s) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.server string The remote storage gRPC server address as host:port --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.grpc-storage.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.authentication string Authentication type used to authenticate with kafka cluster. e.g. none, kerberos, tls, plaintext (default "none") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.batch-linger duration (experimental) Time interval to wait before sending records to Kafka. Higher value reduce request to Kafka but increase latency and the possibility of data loss in case of process restart. See https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ (default 0s) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.batch-max-messages int (experimental) Maximum number of message to batch before sending records to Kafka --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.batch-min-messages int (experimental) The best-effort minimum number of messages needed to send a batch of records to Kafka. Higher value reduce request to Kafka but increase latency and the possibility of data loss in case of process restart. See https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.batch-size int (experimental) Number of bytes to batch before sending records to Kafka. Higher value reduce request to Kafka but increase latency and the possibility of data loss in case of process restart. See https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.brokers string The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234' (default "") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.compression string (experimental) Type of compression (none, gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd) to use on messages (default "none") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.compression-level int (experimental) compression level to use on messages. gzip = 1-9 (default = 6), snappy = none, lz4 = 1-17 (default = 9), zstd = -131072 - 22 (default = 3) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.encoding string Encoding of spans ("json" or "protobuf") sent to kafka. (default "protobuf") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.config-file string Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf (default "/etc/krb5.conf") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.disable-fast-negotiation Disable FAST negotiation when not supported by KDC's like Active Directory. See https://github.com/jcmturner/gokrb5/blob/master/USAGE.md#active-directory-kdc-and-fast-negotiation. --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.keytab-file string Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab (default "/etc/security/kafka.keytab") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.password string The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.realm string Kerberos realm --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.service-name string Kerberos service name (default "kafka") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.use-keytab Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.kerberos.username string The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.max-message-bytes message.max.bytes (experimental) The maximum permitted size of a message. Should be set equal to or smaller than the broker's message.max.bytes. (default 1000000) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.plaintext.mechanism string The plaintext Mechanism for SASL/PLAIN authentication, e.g. 'SCRAM-SHA-256' or 'SCRAM-SHA-512' or 'PLAIN' (default "PLAIN") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.plaintext.password string The plaintext Password for SASL/PLAIN authentication --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.plaintext.username string The plaintext Username for SASL/PLAIN authentication --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.protocol-version string Kafka protocol version - must be supported by kafka server --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.required-acks string (experimental) Required kafka broker acknowledgement. i.e. noack, local, all (default "local") --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s) --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification --jaeger-storage.kafka.producer.topic string The name of the kafka topic (default "jaeger-spans") --jaeger-storage.span-storage.type string The type of backend used for service dependencies storage. Possible values are [elasticsearch, cassandra, opensearch, kafka, badger, grpc] --jaeger-tf-extension-modifier-enable enable extension modifier (default true) --jaeger-tf-link-selector-modifier-enable enable link selector modifiers and list it in frontend (default true) --jaeger-trace-cache string implementation of jaeger-trace-cache. Possible values are ["etcd" "local"]. (default "local") --jaeger-trace-cache-etcd-dial-timeout duration dial timeout for trace cache etcd connection (default 10s) --jaeger-trace-cache-etcd-endpoints strings etcd endpoints --jaeger-trace-cache-etcd-prefix string etcd prefix (default "/trace/") --jaeger-transform-config string implementation of jaeger-transform-config. Possible values are ["default"]. (default "default") --jaeger-transform-config-file string path to tfconfig file (default "hack/tfconfig.yaml") --kelemetrix-config-path string path to kelemetrix config (default "hack/kelemetrix.toml") --kelemetrix-consumer-group string audit consumer group name (default "kelemetrix") --kelemetrix-consumer-partition int32Slice audit message queue partitions to consume (default [0,1,2,3,4]) --kelemetrix-debug-log-quantities log metric quantities for debugging --kelemetrix-debug-log-tags log metric tags for debugging --kelemetrix-enable enable kelemetrix --klog-add-dir-header If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages --klog-alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files (no effect when -logtostderr=true) --klog-log-backtrace-at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0) --klog-log-dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory (no effect when -logtostderr=true) --klog-log-file string If non-empty, use this log file (no effect when -logtostderr=true) --klog-log-file-max-size uint Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to (no effect when -logtostderr=true). Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800) --klog-logtostderr log to standard error instead of files (default true) --klog-one-output If true, only write logs to their native severity level (vs also writing to each lower severity level; no effect when -logtostderr=true) --klog-skip-headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages --klog-skip-log-headers If true, avoid headers when opening log files (no effect when -logtostderr=true) --klog-stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr when writing to files and stderr (no effect when -logtostderr=true or -alsologtostderr=true) (default 2) --klog-v Level number for the log level verbosity --klog-vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging --kube-apiservers stringToString map of kube apiserver addresses (default []) --kube-config string implementation of kube-config. Possible values are ["mapoption"]. (default "mapoption") --kube-config-paths stringToString map of kube config paths (default []) --kube-other-rest-burst int k8s rest client burst for non-target clusters (default 10) --kube-other-rest-qps float32 k8s rest client qps for non-target clusters (default 10) --kube-request-timeout stringToString map of server-side request timeout, used in metrics (default []) --kube-target-cluster string name of the target cluster; must be a key in --kube-apiserver and/or --kubeconfig --kube-target-rest-burst int k8s rest client burst for the target cluster (default 10) --kube-target-rest-qps float32 k8s rest client qps for the target cluster (default 10) --kube-use-old-resource-version-clusters strings list of clusters that do not have new resource version in audit --linker-job-publisher string implementation of linker-job-publisher. Possible values are ["local"]. (default "local") --linker-job-subscriber string implementation of linker-job-subscriber. Possible values are ["local"]. (default "local") --linker-worker-count int Number of workers to execute link jobs --log-file string logrus log output file (leave empty for stdout) --log-format string logrus log format (default "text") --log-level string logrus log level (default "debug") --metrics string implementation of metrics. Possible values are ["noop" "prom"]. (default "noop") --metrics-address string HTTP server bind address --metrics-port uint16 HTTP server port (default 9090) --metrics-read-header-timeout duration HTTP server timeout for reading request headers --metrics-read-timeout duration HTTP server timeout for reading requests --mq string implementation of mq. Possible values are ["local"]. (default "local") --mq-local-partition-by-object Whether to partition events of the same object to the same worker --object-cache-fetch-timeout duration duration that an object is locked for fetching (default 5s) --object-cache-size int maximum number of bytes to cache API objects (default 1073741824) --object-cache-store-ttl duration duration that an object stays in the cache after fetch (default 5s) --owner-linker-enable enable owner linker --pprof-addr string pprof server bind address (default ":6060") --pprof-enable enable pprof --resource-event-tag-enable enable custom event tag for resource --resource-event-tag-filter-verbs strings add resource tag for audit verbs. e.g 'create,update,patch' (default [create]) --resource-object-tag-enable enable custom object span tag for resource --resource-tag-mapping strings tag a resource (pods, nodes, etc.) span from jsonpath, comma separated. supported setting format: resource[.group]#tagkey1:jsonpath1;tagkey2:jsonpath2, the tag value is parsed from jsonpath. e.g. 'pods#nodes:spec.nodeName;yourTag:status.hostIP,nodes#custom-tag:metadata.name' (default [pods#nodes:spec.nodeName]) --shutdown-timeout duration timeout for graceful shutdown after receiving SIGTERM (default 15s) --span-cache string implementation of span-cache. Possible values are ["etcd" "local"]. (default "local") --span-cache-etcd-dial-timeout duration dial timeout for span cache etcd connection (default 10s) --span-cache-etcd-endpoints strings etcd endpoints --span-cache-etcd-prefix string etcd prefix (default "/span/") --span-cache-local-cleanup-frequency duration frequency to collect garbage from span cache (default 30m0s) --trace-server-enable enable trace server for frontend --tracer string implementation of tracer. Possible values are ["otel"]. (default "otel") --tracer-otel-endpoint string otel endpoint (default "") --tracer-otel-insecure allow insecure otel connections --tracer-otel-resource-attributes stringToString otel resource service attributes (default [service.version=dev]) --usage string write command usage to file